Photographing Darragh was so enjoyable, as he is such a little dote and he gives the very best cuddles.  He wasn’t keen on having a nap and we got some gorgeous wide awake shots where he was taking everything in. . . including this crazy woman (me) running after him with a camera and dressing him up in all my new baby boy outfits.  I eventually wore him out and he headed off to the land of nod.  We got some lovely photos of him cuddling into his Mammy & Daddy.  Sleepy baby photos with Mammy & Daddy are the type of photos that I personally love. It’s the quiet contentment of the baby and the look on Mammy & Daddy’s face where they get to study their little one and congratulate themselves on creating such a gorgeous little person 🙂   If I ever get my little one off to sleep, I’m usually sitting there thinking . . “I’d LOVE a photo of this”, and so I spend the next 10 minutes trying to take a selfie with Fiadh sleeping so I can look back at these moments in years to come and remember how amazing it is to have your little one sleeping in your arms.  Luckily in years to come, Darragh won’t have to look at his Mammy’s awkward attempt at a sleeping selfie.  He has lots of photos to look back at where his Mammy & Daddy are cuddling and loving him and generally thinking “look at how gorgeous this little man is”.

Come see gorgeous Darragh x



